Friday, 30 April 2010

Gender difference in reaction to advertising and direct marketing

Both genders react totally different when viewing a advertisment. The reason for this is because males see some thing they like and they want it, tey do not think about anything but that something for example a car. When a male see's a car advertismnt he likes he will want to purchase it after the following checks,

engine size (big)

top speed

add on's

A woman watching the same advertisiment will want to know additional information such as,

range of colours (the more the better)


insurance quote

miles to the gallon

is it environment healthy?

As you can see women perfer to get all the information at one time as in the long term it will save time, Males see the car, want to buy it and then come back to the other side to the deal later on.
The difference in the information required by both sexs is due to the things that attract both genders.

Previous research suggests that males and females process advertising information differently. However, researchers have yet to explore whether biological sex influences the confidence that receivers have in their ad responses. In addition, prior research has failed to determine the relative influence of biological sex and gender identity on confidence. Results from an experiment featuring a fictitious soft drink brand suggest that males exhibit greater confidence in their attitudes toward the non-claim component of an ad.
(Association for customer research, 2004)

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